Frequently Asked Questions

-What is this exact match bonus?
The exact match bonus is the bonus that Google, Bing, Yahoo give to exact match domains. Exact match domains are .com domains that match the exact keyword. The bonus means that these domains are much easier to rank for the #1 spot in search results. Examples:,,,,, etc.

-What's the advantage of ranking #1?
The number one position has the highest click through rate. The #1 position gets 4x more clicks than the #2 position. And the ratio gets much worse the lower you are. For example, the #10 position of search results only gets ~3% of clicks. Which is why ranking #1 is so important. Additionally the high traffic from ranking #1, allows you to split test your website to increase your conversion rates. Even minor things like changing the color of the button can increase your sales by 10%.

-What is this Ranking Guarantee you offer?
Our ranking guarantee essentially states that if we can't get your domain to the #1 spot in Google/Bing/Yahoo, 2 months after you launch your new site....we'll slash our rates by 90% until we do. Since ranking involves a lot of effort, this guarantee is not available for all domain names. The issue comes down to pricing. SEO companies charge $350-900/mo and they only guarantee 1st page results. So we simply can't offer a service that guarantees #1 spot unless our minimum is met.

-What is this minimum?
That depends on the domain and the current competition. Our Get It Now price includes the #1 spot guarantee. But if you decide to go through the bidding process, and bid below the minimum, we'll notify you, so you can either raise or lower your bid.

-How soon will I get the domain after I submit my bid?
There is a 7 day period during which we are allowed to seek higher bids. If yours is the highest bid after the 7 day period you'll get it.

-How much control will I have over the domain?
You'll have complete control over the DNS records. The WHOIS record will be set to private.

-What are the lease terms?
The lease is on a month to month basis. As long as you keep making your payments we aren't allowed to cancel your lease or sell the domain.(note: some companies choose to enter a long term contract, which is allowed). The lease rates are fixed, except for an allowance to raise the rate once a year by 5% to account for inflation. You'll also be required to pay last month's payment at the start of the lease, which is there to cover any late payments on your part.

-Are there any restrictions?
Yes, you can't use the domain for spamming, warez, file sharing or anything else illegal.

-I have a question that wasn't answered here?
Simply email us at and we'll get you the answers you need.